Different types of eczema research
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A dry and itchy skin condition which is commonly called “eczema” is actually not dangerous but brings lot of uncomfortableness to a patient, especially to a child. First, verify if your baby just gets dry skin or she/he does really get eczema. With eczema, patient experience some specific symptom such as:
- Extremely itching
- Redness due to scratching
- Fluid-filled blisters
- Skin cracking and flaking out after blisters dry.
There is a little distinction between different types of eczematous dermatitis. In addition, most of eczema is chronic and their cause has not been determined yet. However, eczema can be controlled with adequate knowledge and treatments. In this article, we will try our best to help you to distinguish different types of eczema and their specific causes if any.
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Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is the most common eczema and often occurs at a very soon period of childhood. It is counted that 20% of young children experiencing that unpleasant skin condition with red, itchy, swollen and cracked rash mostly on cheeks, arms, and legs. Generally, dermatitis can affect any part of the body which is lack of humidity, so it is often getting worse in winter.
Atopic dermatitis mostly occurs on cheeks, elbow, knee of baby.
Cause of Atopic dermatitis has not been found yet but actually, this kind of eczema often comes along with asthma or hay fever. So it is believed that a child whose family member has history of asthma or allergies is more likely to develop atopic dermatitis.
Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured but it would be improved while the child grows up. However, for 25% of the cases, the situation is even getting worse over time. So all you need to do is to control this irritated chronic condition by appropriate treatments. To be more precise, moisture is the principle of daily treatments beside some medications indicated by the doctor. Taking bath more often then applying some moisture cream or oil is highly recommended in case you or your baby develop atopic dermatitis.
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Contact dermatitis
Contact eczema is skin inflammation in response to contact with an irritating or allergenic substance. So there are 2 types of Contact dermatitis: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Common symptoms of contact dermatitis are itchy, red, scaled rash at the site of exposure.
80% of contact dermatitis cases are irritant. Irritant contact dermatitis is caused while the immune system is stimulated immediately in reaction to exposure to irritants such as wet diaper, scratching clothes, etc. The rash is mostly shaped and scaled at the exposure site.
With irritant contact dermatitis, rash would be scaled at the exposure site.
Otherwise, allergic contact dermatitis is less common and takes few days to occur. Childs may experience blisters after exposed to an allergenic or toxic substance such as perfume, topical antibiotics, plants (e.g: poison ivy), metals, etc.
A good news is that unlike atopic dermatitis, contact eczema would disappear soon on its own. There is very little chance that the rash keep remained for more than 4 weeks.
So it’d better keep your child avoid the irritant or allergenic substance because their skin is thin and very sensitive. To buy your child cotton clothing, change dirty diapers as soon as possible, do not put flowers in child’s room,… are some efficient ways to prevent contact dermatitis. In case your child gets allergic contact dermatitis after touching some allergens, wash affected area with water and soap to limit the reaction.
Hand eczema
With most of common symptoms of eczema, any types of eczema develop on hands is commonly called Hand eczema. Working in the environment where hands are often in contact with allergy-causing substances and moisture like industrial laundry, dyeing, etc. leads to high risk of getting Hand dermatitis.
In addition, dyshidrotic dermatitis is one specific type of Hand eczema. Dyshidrotic dermatitis often occurs on the edges of fingers, toes, hands, and feet. Firstly, there are several fluid-filled blisters lasting a few weeks. Then, they are drying and make skin cracked and painful.
Dyshidrotic dermatitis is a specific type of Hand dermatitis; which develops fluid-filled blisters on the edges of hands and feet.
Though cause of dyshidrotic dermatitis has not been determined yet, there are strong connection between this type of eczema and high level of stress, allergies or too much exposure to metal salt and water.
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Neurodermatitis has not any distinctive symptoms. It often starts with an itch at anywhere on the body, but mostly on arm, leg or back of the neck and sometimes on anal or genital areas.
Neurodermatitis is one of the most frequent eczema and may develop in childhood as well as among adult.
In addition, rarely it would develop more than 2 itch patches at one time. The itch which goes and comes back several times leaves patient with very uncomfortable feelings. Scratching and rubbing over and over, the consequence is a worsening situation of the itch patch.
Neurodermatitis rarely develops in children; people over 30 years old are more likely get this condition. However, a child has history of eczema got high risk of neurodermatitis.
Like other eczema, causes of neurodermatitis are unknown. But stress or tense nerves may be a trigger.
Nummular dermatitis, nummular eczema
The significant symptom of nummular dermatitis is coin-shaped red marks on legs, hands, forearms, lower backs, and hips. Unlike other types of eczema, the affected area can be dry and scaled or wet and opened as well. It may be also itchy or not itchy at all.
Nummular dermatitis’ significant symptom is coin-shaped red marks.
Nummular dermatitis tends to affect men more often than women and it can occur at any age.
There is unproven that nummular dermatitis is inherited in the family. Some specific causes of this type of eczema would come from outside such as cold and dry weather in the winter, chemicals (e.g.: formaldehyde) and metals (e.g.: nickel)
Stasis dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis often develops on lower legs of people with poor circulation. While leg veins which take responsible for pumping blood up to higher body part are weakened and do not work properly, somehow blood will leak out and cause stasis dermatitis. Therefore, this type of eczema mostly comes to people at age of 50s or more.
Stasis dermatitis often develops on lower legs of people with poor circulation.
First signs of stasis dermatitis are noticed with itchy and red mark on inner ankles. Then, while disease develops, you may find some other symptoms such as inflating legs veins, blue or brown rash, thick and scaled skin.
This type of eczema requires specific treatment with the indication from your doctor. However, you can also check out how to treat eczema in babies at home.
In brief, above descriptions hopefully, give you an overview of eczema and may help to wave unreasonable worries. Once again, we would like to reassure you even though there is no currently definitive cure for eczema but you can manage your situation by avoiding irritants and having adequate treatments following doctor’s indication.