So if you haven’t noticed already, there are free promo codes for just about everything baby out there. You can get canopy covers for car seats, baby slings, and yes even a free nursing pillow. But what is the catch? The NursingPillow.com promo code, is it a scam? You’ll find out my personal research regarding this topic later in the article. But first, let’s see why nursing pillow is great for a breastfeeding mom.
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Why are breastfeeding pillows so great?
As a new or expectant mom, you can become overwhelmed very easily with all of the things that are available for you and your new baby. Do you really need the wipe warmer or five pairs of shoes for your newborn? Honestly, the answer is no. After your first baby, you’ll learn what the necessities are and what things are extra that you will never use. As a mother of two with number three on the way, one of the best things that I had with my kids was a good breastfeeding pillow. (Or two!)
Why is a breastfeeding pillow so useful? When you breastfeed your baby, you need to make sure that you and your infant are both comfortable. Newborns breastfeed very frequently, up to 12 times a day. If you are not comfortable, then you can strain your back, and you and your baby may not have a great latch. This could lead to a low milk supply, which can cause your baby to not get enough milk. Having pillows for breastfeeding helps to keep the baby propped up at the breast. Thee pillows also hold the weight of the baby so that the strain is not on your back and arms. (Trust me, even newborns get heavy!)
Do you have to buy a special breastfeeding pillow or will a regular pillow do? Pillows for breastfeeding are different than regular pillows because they are shaped to go around your waist area to provide support. There are a few different breastfeeding positions (especially the football hold) that having support around your side is very beneficial. Also, breastfeeding pillows are a little firmer than regular pillows so the foundation for support is better. Even if you are not planning on breastfeeding, pillows made for breastfeeding can make bottle feeding much more comfortable.
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Which breastfeeding pillow is the best?
There are two breastfeeding pillows that I have used and that I highly recommend. They are the Boppy and the My Brest Friend pillows for breastfeeding. Both pillows are different, but they provide excellent support.
The Boppy, which is under $40 on Amazon is fantastic for many things other than breastfeeding. The U-shape design makes it versatile and great support for nursing. (I actually had 3 of these. One for each area that we were frequently in.) Other uses include:
- Helping baby learn to sit
- A cushion for tummy time
- Creating a cradle for babies that are napping or just relaxing
Another great thing about the Boppy breastfeeding pillow is that you can buy several covers for it, and the entire pillow is washable. (Please never buy anything for your baby that isn’t machine washable!) It is easy to see why this pillow is the best-selling pillow for breastfeeding! Here is a link to purchase it on Amazon:

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The My Brest Friend nursing pillow is around $40 on Amazon. This pillow is firmer than the Boppy, and it wraps all the way around you. (It reminds me of a Pac-man.) It snaps in the back and has an adjustable strap that can be tightened as your post-partum body begins to change back to your pre-baby shape. (Well, to your new shape. Pre-baby bodies are over rated. Mom bodies are where it’s at!) The My Brest Friend breastfeeding pillow is also machine washable, and it has covers that you can change. The covers are not as easy to change as the Boppy, but it is because of the awkward shape. It also has a pouch for you to store snacks, water, or whatever else it is that you want near you! A link to the My Brest Friend nursing pillow on Amazon can be found here:

My Brest Friend
I used the My Brest Friend pillow for the first 2 or 3 months because it was larger and firmer. After my babies got more head control, I switched over to the Boppy. When they became too big for that, which was probably around 6 months (only because I have a ridiculously short torso), I used the Boppy for everything else.
There are other pillows for breastfeeding on the market such as the Nook Niche Pillow, which is all organic and will cost you $100 on Amazon. Another one, the Ergobaby Natural Curve Nursing Pillow will run you about $68 on Amazon. Each of these pillows has the same general purpose as the Boppy and the My Brest Friend breastfeeding pillows. They provide support all around you and make breastfeeding and nursing more comfortable for you and your new baby.
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What about NursingPillow.com Scam?
So if you haven’t noticed already, there are free promo codes for just about everything baby out there. You can get canopy covers for car seats, baby slings, and yes even a free nursing pillow. But what is the catch? The NursingPillow.com scam is that they charge you a ridiculous amount of shipping for the product. The breastfeeding pillow itself is $40 on the website, which becomes free when you type in the My pillow promo code that you can find floating around almost anywhere online. I typed in my information this morning and here are the shipping costs that I got:
- Economy shipping which is 2 weeks is $14.99
- Preferred shipping which is 1 week is $16.99
- Priority shipping is $22
- Second-day shipping is $28
These prices may vary depending on where you are located, but they are still crazy high. So how does this pillow compare to the other pillows for breastfeeding? This pillow is not the largest or the smallest breastfeeding pillow on the market. The Nursingpillow.com reviews all state that the products are not high quality and that they were much more pleased with the other breastfeeding pillows that they purchased. Although it is labeled “free” you are still spending money on shipping. The nursingpillow.com scam is not something that you should participate in or waste your money on!
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After going through several blogs online from people that had a bad experience with the nursingpillow.com scam, some of the most useful nursingpillow.com reviews included:
- “The pillow wasn’t stuffed enough to effectively support the baby while nursing or help them sit up.”
- “The pillow is too small and you have to stack two or three of them together to breastfeed.”
- “This breastfeeding pillow is not soft at all.”
Below is an image that is taken from their website that shows how their breastfeeding pillow compares to other ones. As you can see the, nursingpillow.com reviews were correct about the shape and size of the pillow.
So what happens when you get this pillow and you realize you don’t like it? Well, unfortunately, there is a no return policy with the company and all sales are final. This stinks for moms that will have to go and buy another pillow anyway because the one they received from nursingpillow.com was inadequate. Now you are short the money you spent on shipping and probably a little angry. (Hopefully, you will read this nursingpillow.com review first!)
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I hope you will find the breastfeeding pillow (or pillows!) that is best for you and your new baby. Like most other products out there, make sure you do your research and find out how you can get the most bang for your buck. I hope reading this helps you and you have a wonderful experience breastfeeding (or bottle feeding) your bundle of joy!
Thank you so much for your review. I was about to buy one because I had a “gift card” but when I saw I couldn’t use the gift card at checkout and that I couldn’t return the product I got suspicious. I tried a promo code instead and the shipping price was different. The promo code said nothing about a discount on the shipping which also made me suspisious. I’m so grateful I could reference your review and save myself a headache.
THANK YOU! I was just about to waste my time & money before I saw this article. As a new mom, the less headaches, THE BETTER ! Thanks again ! Stay healthy & safe ! One Love !