Since being noticed of their pregnancy, surely most of mother-to-be is excited to see their baby for the first time. But “When my baby is coming? “is surely a big question of them all. It’s advised by doctors that a full term pregnancy is between 38 to 40 weeks. However, should you calculate your due date since when? From the day your quick-stick gets 2 lines? Or from the day you conceived? Lot of questions spin your head off, right?
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Actually, the most accurate due date is 38 weeks since egg and sperm get together. However, egg can be fertilized for 24 hours or sometimes longer after ovulation while sperm could hang around for three days after being released. So unless you strictly plan for your conception, it’s hard to precise it. Anyway, don’t worry because there are several options to help you estimating your due date as close as possible such as ultrasound exam, last menstrual period, first foetal movement, etc.
If your menstrual period is at average length, Pregnancy calculator would be a very simple and useful tool that you can use by yourself anytime, anywhere.
How to use Pregnancy Calculator?
Based on the fact that most of women ovulate and conceive 2 weeks after their last period, Pregnancy calculator will count down 40 weeks from your last menstrual period. All you have to do is to input in Pregnancy calculator the first day of your last period, it will tell you how many weeks your baby is and how long it will be until your delivery date.
In addition, the Pregnancy calculator also gives you option of calculating your due date using conception date. That’s in case you closely tracked when you ovulated and when your egg must have been fertilized. Your delivery date will be 38 weeks counted down from conception date.
Trying to conceive? Our Ovulation Calculator will tell you your fertile days and the resulting due dates for the next six cycles.
What you get from Pregnancy Calculator?
Surely, this online program will give you the closest estimation of your due date. In addition, the Pregnancy calculator will remind you each milestone of pregnancy as well. It gives you information of how your baby is growing inside your belly. For example, how big your baby is in shape of regular fruits at each week. Such a cute way to imagine her, isn’t it?
You also may know what your baby is doing during that period of time. So you would understand why sometimes you feel her movement in a particular way.
Besides, the Pregnancy calculator shows weekly warning of which changes in the body you have to face with. Furthermore, some tips found in this program may be very useful for you in dealing with challenges during the pregnancy.
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Thus, to most modern mother-to-be who are too busy with their social concerns, the Pregnancy calculator shows a lot of advantages because it is easy to use and gives very brief and essential instructions of pregnancy. However, it’s still just an estimation and few women deliver the baby on their due date. So it is advised that you should make weekly appointment with your doctor at least 2 weeks in advance of the indicated due date.