Pregnancy week 2 through week 5

The early weeks of pregnancy can be some of the most exciting and also some of the hardest. You have the delight of finding out that you are pregnant, but you are also anxious and worried about the changes that it will bring to your life. For me personally with my 3 kids, I was never a fan of the early weeks, just because it was always full of feeling “blah”, but you don’t have that baby bump to show off. Inside of you though, your body is changing and a baby is starting to grow.

Baby Care

Parenting: 17 weeks pregnant and not showing, is it possible?

Pregnancy signs week 2

During week 2 of pregnancy, you aren’t actually pregnant yet. This is week that your body ovulates, and releases the egg that can be fertilized if a lucky sperm is able to find and penetrate it. Right now, your baby is just a little ball of cells. (Technically, it is called a blastocyst.) The inside layer of that ball of cells is going to become the baby and the amniotic sac. The outside layer of the cells will turn into the placenta!

Pregnancy symptoms week 2 are non-existent. Since you aren’t technically pregnant yet, you can’t have any signs of pregnancy during week 2.

Pregnancy Week 3

Week 3 is the week that you actually become pregnant! (Congratulations!) The little ball of cells is multiplying very fast, and your body has been told to stop releasing eggs and start releasing hormones such as progesterone, Hcg, and more estrogen. You may not get a positive pregnancy test yet, although some women could at the end of the week. If you don’t get a positive test, don’t assume that you aren’t. Just retest in a few days. (Testing your urine first thing in the morning is best because your urine is more concentrated.) A great pregnancy test is the First Response Pregnancy Test. This test can tell you results up to 6 days before your missed period, and it comes with 3 tests so that you can retest next week if your period still doesn’t come!

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First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 Count (Packaging & Test Design May Vary)

First Response

When you may be pregnant, the earlier you know, the better. Featuring First to Detect technology, the FIRST RESPONSE Early Result Pregnancy Test is sensitive enough to capture scant amounts of ...
Start from: $12.78
Last price update: 2025-03-28 19:00:01
I decided to post some data about this FRER sensitivity for those of you who are like me wonders how the test reflects the actual HCG concentrations. I made serial dilutions of human recombinant HCG (Novarel), that I had some leftovers of after my IVF cycle. The dilutions were made with lab pipets, so the concentration should be pretty precise, and in the appropriate buffer (sorry for the details, that was my husband's urine) to model the amount of HCG in the urine for the test. Here are results (see photos attached too).At 5 mU/ml, which is below the threshold of 6 mU/ml ( the sensitivity, claimed by the brand), the test is very-very faint. However, I would consider it positive, because just husband's urine only gives no second line at all (I do not have photo for this, we did it some time ago with our first unsuccessful transfer, when I had chemical pregnancy). 5 mU/ml in your first morning urine is equal about 10-15 mU/ml in blood, so this is comparable to 5-4 days before your missed period. Also, compare the 5 mU/ml results with my actual results for 8 days post transfer of 6-day blastocyst (last picture), two days later at 10dpt I had blood beta-HCG level of 38.At 20 mU/ml we can see clear positive results. This is HCG level that you will have at your first day of missed period, and equals to about 40-60 mU/ml of beta-HCG in blood.And only at 100 mU/ml we see the second line at the same brightness as the control line. I would say at this HCG level the FRER test reaches it's saturation point.Also, I found out that you may use LH tests (used for ovulation detection) instead of HCG for the early results. LH tests are very sensitive, looks like even more sensitive than FRER (you can see how much darker the test line is for the 5 mU/ml sample). I could not find an information about what subunit of LH these tests are detecting, my understanding it is beta-subunit of LH which is nearly identical in structure to beta-subunit of HCG. Beta-HCG, however, has about 30 additional amino acids, so home pregnancy tests designed to pick up beta-HCG only, while home ovulation tests will pick up both. After ovulation and during pregnancy LH levels are down, so in my opinion you can easily use you LH leftover test to monitor HCG levels, at least to see how it doubles, for example.Another observation for FRER, these tests tend to get darker with time. If your HCG levels are expected to be below or around the threshold (like day 6 post IVF transfer or so), and the test line does not show up, I suggest you keep the test for another 24 h and you may see faint positive later.For those users, who claim about "false" positive FRER results. As my experiments with my husband's urine proved, if you do not have HCG, the test will be clear negative - no test line at all, only control line. If you see faint positive, which lately with another test disappeared, or if your period came, that means you had so called chemical pregnancy. It might be devastating, I understand, we had a chemical with our first failed IVF cycle. But this is a drawback of using very sensitive test, so just be prepared.To summarize my experiment: FRER is very sensitive, it shows faint positive even below claimed threshold, however good positive results are at about 20 mU/ml, or your first day of missed period. I give only 4 stars for these tests because of the idiotic curved handle - it is completely unnecessary design, makes it difficult to lay flat, and takes more space in the drawer if you want to keep the used test for future reference.
June 3, 2017
Don't buy this; Do this. Go to Wal-Mart and buy the cheapie store brand ones. I did an experiment and tested them all once I got my + on an at-home HPT and this FRER was the worst at reading, analyzing and it drove me crazy. The TTC journey is crazy enough, you don't need additional stress because the test lines are the thickness of a piece of thread. Cheapies first, EPT second, ClearBlue Digital is good once you're 1-2 weeks pregnant (not before). ****If my review helped you, please click "YES" below -- I'm also happy to answer any questions!****
April 12, 2016
Not so sensitive. I had a blood test done at 3 weeks 5and my hcg was 129 and this first response had the faintest line that is hardly visible.
December 4, 2016

Pregnancy symptoms may start appearing already for expectant moms. Pregnancy symptoms week 3 include:

  • Swollen and sore breasts
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Urinating more than often
  • Fatigue
  • Bleeding or spotting
  • Cramping
  • Increased sense of smell
  • Aversions to certain foods

Since this is also the week that you would normally be getting your period, it can be hard to tell the difference between symptoms of your period and those of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Week 4

This week your baby is the size of a poppy seed! Starting this week, your baby’s organs will start to grow! You now have an amniotic sac which will house the baby, and your placenta is starting to develop.

More than likely, this will be the week that you discover that you are pregnant. When that happens, call your doctor and make your first appointment. Don’t be surprised if they don’t want to see you for a few more weeks. That is totally normal. You should definitely by taking a prenatal vitamin such as the Nature Made Prenatal Softgels. (These are actually the ones that I take and that my doctor recommended.) You may be experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, but they may not be present yet.

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Nature Made PrenatalMulti + DHA 200 Mg Softgels, Value Size, 60 + 30 Liquid softgels (Packing may vary))

Nature Made

Liquid softgel; No artificial colors; No yeast, starch or gluten; No preservatives
Start from: $19.32
Last price update: 2025-03-28 20:39:12
Loved these vitamins and wanted to buy in bulk but this seller is NOT selling you the freshest, most updated vitamins! NatureMade company has changed their formula slightly and the photos of the ingredients advertised shows this but the bottle is from the old formula. I have called NatureMade and they were very helpful and reassuring it is safe to take these and it is there product but I'm very disappointed In the seller about updating their product. Hence why this was such a "good deal". I've attached a photo comparing the latest ingredients from NatureMades website(left) vs. What was sent to me (right). Again, both formulas are safe, it's just the principal of the matter!
January 10, 2017
After trying a couple of different vitamins I was greatful to find one that didn't make me nauseous!! I can even take these without food and have no problem. They smelled slightly funky when first opened but that faded. I like the coating as well. Even though they are large they are still super easy to take.
July 7, 2016
It's huge and sometimes it tastes like fish, but anything for the baby. I keep my bottle in the fridge, because it when it got hot and humid, the capsules started to get fish oil on my hands. The refrigeration helped. It washes off fine, but it's annoying to have to wash my hands after taking my vitamins.I've been taking a prenatal for 5 years now, because that's how long we've been trying to get and stay pregnant. This is the one I'm going to stay with. I like that the DHA is in there. I also like the capsule vs. tablet, because at this size, they get tough to swallow and capsules seem more slippery, so easier to get down. I've never had any nausea/stomach upset with them, but I do almost always eat breakfast first.In winter in the northern US, I did still test as deficient in vitamin D, even though this is 100% DV. I've added the Nature Made 2000 IU (500% DV) Vitamin D, and now all my levels are good. I recommend not just trusting that if you take these you'll get enough of everything you and the baby need.Also, so much less expensive here than at the store.I can't see the photos of the back of the bottle anymore, so I've added them, the bottle has an expiration of Dec. 2016 and was purchased April 2015.
June 21, 2015

Pregnancy Week 5

This week your little one is the size of a sesame seed! He looks like a tiny tadpole, but his neural tube (which will eventually form the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone) is starting to develop. His heart is dividing into chambers and beating and pumping blood too! The mesoderm (which will turn into muscles, cartilage, and bone) as well as the endoderm (which will eventually be his lungs, thyroid, liver, intestines, and pancreas) are also being made!

Although are aren’t showing, you can start taking pictures of your weekly bump by using these awesome stickers by Belly Doodles. Although the stickers don’t start until 7 weeks, they have one that includes “Pea in the Pod” and “Due Date”. This is a great way to track your pregnancy and take pictures of how you are growing each week.

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Belly Doodles 40 Weekly Pregnancy Stickers Fruit 3.94inch

Belly Doodles

Weeks 7-40 6 Bonus Stickers!; High quality stickers with matte finish; Pre-cut 3.94" Stickers - 4 on a sheet of 8.5x11 inch paper; Use in scrapbooking, baby books, pregnancy journals, photo cards
Start from: $17.99
Last price update: 2025-03-28 20:39:21
super cute and easy to apply! I love the graphics of these and all the different options.
June 18, 2017

Do you need to find other pregnancy weeks? Check out Pregnancy Week 1 (Insert my article) or Pregnancy Weeks 6 through 10 (Insert my other article).

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Next: Pregnancy Weeks 6 through 10

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