If you are planning on having a baby, try Ovulation calculator and ovulation calendar as a very helpful and easy way to add more chance to your fertilization.
Preparation: Pregnancy Week by Week, Week 1
How Ovulation calculator works
As we all know you are conceived while egg and sperm get together. Actually, to a woman with the average length of the cycle (28 days), the egg is expected to be released about 14 days before the first date of next menstrual period. Then it can stay still for 3 days while sperms can live up to 5 days in woman body. Therefore, during this preceding 3 days after ovulation, you may get highest chance of being conceived.
Thus, Ovulation calculator works on that concept. With an input of the first day of your last menstrual period and the average length of your cycle, it allows to figure out your ovulation calendar and to indicate the fertile day of the next 6 cycles and also appropriate due dates. So you may closely time your sex to get the most chance of conception.
Preparation: Pregnancy week 2 through week 5
Is Ovulation calculator an absolute way of getting pregnant?
Sorry, there is a “NO” because it is an approximate estimation. Even when your menstrual period is regular, there are so many elements both inside and outside will affect your ovulation and fertilization such as environment’s temperature or your mood, etc. So nobody or nothing can say for sure exactly when your egg is released from your ovaries or when it is fertilized and implants in your uterus.
Preparation: Pregnancy Weeks 6 through 10
However, Ovulation calculator is obviously a free and easy way to use with high accuracy in case of a regular cycle. You may also use it together with other tracking ovulation methods to boost your chance of getting pregnant, such as:
- Ovulation predictor kit: You can find this kind of kit easily in a drugstore with prescription. It will test your hormone level in urine or saliva. With the fact that before ovulation date, the hormone level in woman body (here are in urine and saliva) will rise; it will help you to predict the fertile date and plan making-baby sex. One of great home ovulation test kit we would like to recommend you on Amazon is the following (4 stars rated for more than 3000 customer reviews):

- Note of ovulation symptoms: In fact, there are often several subtle changes in your body before ovulation. So that would be very helpful if you keep an eye on these symptoms:
- Basal body temperature: it supposes that after you ovulate, your body temperature will rise about 0.5 to 1.0 degree Fahrenheit.
- Cervical mucus: normally, you may experience a little and sticky cervical mucus. However, during ovulation, it increases in amount and becomes transparent and slippery like raw egg white.
- Others: Besides, before ovulation date, many women admit that they exhibit some uncomfortable symptoms such as mild cramps, tender breast, abdominal pressure and back pain, etc.
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You may suffer from back pain during ovulation.
In brief, the Ovulation calculator is worthy for a try and we wish you good luck with your pregnancy plan. (Have you got pregnant? you will surely want to track out your baby’s size and estimate his/her due date. Check out our pregnancy calculator now, simple tool to count- down for baby‘s due date!)
