Any mom will tell you that watching her child suffer from itching or irritation is excruciating for her. This is very common for babies who have baby eczema. This is a frustrating condition for both mom and baby. The worst part is when you see your little one suffer from it and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. No matter how much you want to help, you can’t magically make the itch go away. Doctors will recommend their own conventional remedies. Unfortunately, these don’t always work as well or as fast as we would like them to.
But have you ever considered using natural remedies for baby eczema? If you already have a remedy from your child’s pediatrician, you can also use these natural remedies alongside it. These can be very helpful in terms of controlling the itchiness, especially when the baby eczema flares up.
Here are some of the best baby eczema natural remedies out there. Who knows, maybe one of these remedies will turn out to be the answer you’ve been searching for!
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Calendula cream
Marigold flowers, otherwise known as Calendula officinalis is often used to treat skin conditions and promote healing. Therefore, calendula cream may benefit your baby’s eczema. The creams work by eliminating the bacteria, reducing the inflammation, and supporting the skin’s healing. According to research, using calendula cream may help babies who have eczema by reducing inflammation and promoting the healing of the skin.
Not only that, but this cream can also work as one of the natural remedies for eczema that has resulted from radiotherapy. Some moms even use this type of cream to treat minor cuts and wounds. It’s definitely worth a try, don’t you think? Of course, stay away from creams which may contain chemicals or harmful ingredients if you want to use it on your little one’s skin.
Pros of Calendula cream
- It helps the cells from getting damaged radically.
- This herb is traditionally used to prevent from abdominal cramps and stomach problems
- It helps in increasing blood flow and oxygen to wounds and other infected areas.
Cons of Calendula cream
- Sometimes, application of this cream can cause skin rash to those who are sensitive to plants.
- This plant may discourage couple’s ability to conceive by preventing fertilized eggs from implanting properly.
All in all, this cream should be used only for children.

Coconut oil (cold pressed)
If you’ve heard about coconut oil, you would have probably heard how beneficial it is. As a matter of fact, coconut oil can do wonders on dry and eczema-prone skin. This oil serves as an effective moisturizer.
Also, there is scientific evidence showing that coconut oil also has some antibacterial properties. Because of this, it can help reduce the risk of infections from eczema.
Pros of Coconut Oil
- It helps in preventing baby skin from getting affected by a diaper rash.
- It helps to smoothen baby hair and prevent from getting a dry scalp.
- It helps in preventing your baby from affected by insect bites.
- It helps to soothe the teething pain caused by inflammation.
Cons of Coconut Oil
- Oral intake of coconut oil can cause diarrhea.
- It can cause an allergic reaction in some children.
So, one must make use of coconut oil, only after consulting a pediatrician as coconut oil can be harmful to some children.
Video How to use coconut oil for eczema:
Creams which contain vitamin B12
According to research, creams which contain vitamin B12 can also be very helpful in controlling the symptoms of baby eczema. Clinical trials performed regarding such creams have shown some promising results as well.
Oatmeal bath
For millennia, people have used ground oats to relieve skin irritations as well as itching. Also, some trials indicate that oatmeal can relieve the symptoms of eczema by reducing inflammation and bringing the pH level of the skin to its normal levels. Of course, oatmeal baths seem to work for some but not with others. But since this remedy is both cheap and simple, it’s definitely worth a try.
So how do you make an oatmeal bath? Simply place a handful of oats into a clean sock then hold it under the faucet while you’re running your child’s bath. If done correctly, the bath water will look milky. As soon as you’ve filled the tub, leave the sock with the oats in the bath so your little one can play with it.
Pros of Oatmeal bath
- It helps to prevent baby skin from getting affected by rashes.
- It helps to heal baby’s skin from itching caused by chickenpox.
Cons of Oatmeal bath
- An oatmeal bath can be dangerous as it can sometimes cause extreme nausea.
- This can also cause dizziness and breathing troubles among babies. Being a skin medication, Oatmeal bath must be diligently used for treating sensitive skin of babies.
Oil supplements (borage and evening primrose)
For some time, people believed that taking borage and evening primrose supplements can help reduce the symptoms of eczema. These oils are healthy and rich in the essential fatty acids. However, recent studies haven’t shed doubt on the effectiveness of these oil supplements. If you still want to use this natural remedy, it’s best to couple it with a healthy and balanced diet.
Although probiotics are highly beneficial, there’s not much evidence that it can help treat baby eczema completely. Still, we are including this on our list for baby eczema natural remedies because of its many health benefits. Probiotics can be very beneficial especially if your little one also suffers from reflux or colic aside from eczema.
Keep in mind though, probiotics will help build a healthier gut flora which will take time. You may need to wait for about a month or so before the probiotics will have a good effect on your child. Also, the quality of the probiotics varies from one product to another, so you need to choose wisely.
Pros of Probiotics
- It helps in reducing diarrhea
- It helps to increase immunity
Cons of Probiotics
- It may cause bloating
- It causes intestinal gas among children
Probiotics are supplements that help to boost the good bacteria in a child’s body and destroys the harmful ones by reducing infections.
Some people claim that they experience effective results from what’s known as “halotherapy.” This is a technique used by clinics and is quite common in Russia and Eastern Europe. For this treatment, you would have to go into a treatment room. There, high-grade micro-crystals of salt get diffused into the air. These salt particles come into contact with the skin where they help decrease the irritations and itching. Therefore, the treatment can help improve the symptoms of eczema.
According to research, this type of treatment is especially effective when experiencing flare-ups of the condition. Some clinics have dedicated rooms for children so if your little one suffers from eczema. You can investigate if there are such clinics in your area. If you’re looking for a more cost-effective alternative, you can go for a swim in the sea with your child. This may help clear up the baby eczema in some children but not in all of them. So it’s still important to be very cautious.
Pros of using Salt:
- It leads to balancing of other bodily systems.
- It relieves children from long-term breathing and skin problems.
Cons of using Salt:
- It might cause throat irritation.
- It might have a negative effect on child’s eye.
Being a helpful treatment among eczema patients, it must be taken under the supervision of a pediatrician.
Epsom salt video

Sunflower oil (cold pressed)
Just like coconut oil, sunflower oil is also a great natural moisturizer. It’s rich in the essential fatty acids, and it gets absorbed by the skin easily. Some believe that when the body doesn’t have enough of the essential fatty acids, this may contribute to the development of eczema in babies and children. According to studies, sunflower oil has anti-inflammatory properties, and it may help enhance the skin’s barrier function.
If your little one has baby eczema as well as colic, then you can try to massage his/her tummy using sunflower oil. This will give your little one a moisturized tummy along with a comfortable feeling as it will help relieve the itching too.
Pros of Sunflower Oil:
- It improves the overall skin health of a baby.
- It treats acne effectively.
Cons of Sunflower Oil:
- It might not suit your babies skin and lead to other major skin diseases. Sunflower oil has healthy properties of healing infant’s skin effectively. However, it must be used in controlled amounts as it might lead to other serious skin related ailments among infants.
Vitamin D
Studies suggest that when eczema worsens during winter time, one of the triggers may be a deficiency in vitamin D. A lot of kids lack this vitamin so if you notice that your baby’s eczema is particularly troublesome during the gloomier months, ask your doctor about vitamin D supplementation.
In fact, the current recommendation of the Department of Health is that children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years must take a high-quality multivitamin supplement daily. To help prevent eczema, it should also contain vitamin D.
Pros of Vitamin D:
- It nourishes the baby skin and prevents it from getting damaged.
- It helps to strengthen bones.
Cons of Vitamin D:
- The overdosage of Vitamin D can lead to poor appetite and muscle problems.
Vitamin D is a healthy supplement that is needed for healthy growth and development among babies. It helps in strengthening the overall growth of a child.
Just like pharmaceuticals and other conventional medicines, natural remedies won’t work for all babies and children. These remedies may have different effects on different children. So, the best thing you can do is try these different remedies to see which one will help your own baby. Whether you want to look for home remedies for baby acne or baby eczema, the key is trying different natural remedies.
This doesn’t mean that you should ignore conventional medicine or the advice of your little one’s doctor. It’s still important to learn about new developments or treatments, so you know all the options available. You can also ask your doctor about the natural remedies before trying them out. Some might even support you in your quest for finding a natural solution to your little one’s frustrating condition.