Have you ever had any of these problems?
- Leaky diapers at night?
- Interrupted nights
- Walking up with a very wet and very messy child.
- Walking up and worry about changing your baby out of wet pajamas first thing in the morning or having to change the sheet in her or his crib every day
If yes, this article subject below might be interesting for you. (First time to be mom ? Check out our guide to know how to use the diapers!)
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Do you know what Diaper Doublers are?
It’s a revolution; it has been proven that parents who had issues with leaky diapers have 80% more nights without a wake-up. So as it has worked for others parents, it might be the answer for all your interrupted nights.

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Basically, diaper doublers are an insert for diapers, no matter if you prefer disposable or cloth diapers. You use them to prevent you or your baby from being disturbed by middle of the night or early morning diaper leaks. They look a lot like an ordinary diaper without the bulk. Some people are skeptical because to some they look like sanitary napkins. But after trying them, everybody is sold on them!
Moreover, A diaper doubler adds a bit of extra absorbency to an already stuffed diaper. Doublers lay on the inside of the cloth diaper next to the baby’s skin. For this reason, you often see diaper doublers that feature a fleece or microfiber top layer. This wicks moisture away from the skin and creates a stay-dry barrier that cuts down on diaper rash and irritation.
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Are Diaper Doublers Expensive?
Not at all! Let’s make a simple calculation. Without diaper doublers, you can use two ordinary diapers or overnight diapers, so it’s easy to compare the cost of these two with the cost of an ordinary Diaper Doubler!
So if you decide to try on diaper doubler, that’s a huge savings in life quality, time and money.
How Do Diaper Doublers Attach?
They are very thin (about 1/2″) and simply get inserted into the diaper. There is no adhesive or anything that may harm or make your baby feel uncomfortable.
For a girl, just leave the insert in the middle of the diaper. For a boy, pull it to the front.
What Is The Difference To Overnight Diapers?
Only and most important points to be noted: Diaper Doublers hold a lot of liquid, much more than your usual overnight diapers can.
Plus why should you have to keep up two different sizes of diapers in your closet?
How Many Do I Need?
This will really depend on your baby’s particular habits and what you prefer.
If you have a light wetter that rarely needs added daytime absorbency, then a handful of diaper doublers should work fine. As long as you have enough to get through nights until washing day, you’ll be fine.
However, some babies are extremely heavy wetters and regularly leak through a standard diaper configuration. In this instance, we recommend that you have a diaper doubler for every cloth diaper in your stash. Until you know what to expect, it might be safe to have at least six to twelve diaper doublers on hand.
The diaper doubler certainly isn’t the most glamorous cloth diapering product that we offer. However, it is considered by many to be one of the most useful and often makes the difference between a successful cloth diapering setup and giving up in frustration
Where Can I Get Them?
They are really hard to find in retails stores. Lucky for you, we have a huge selection of Diaper Doublers online at great prices. (top rated with 5 stars for 1,469 customer reviews)
Select Kids
Do take a look and buy one Sposie Booster Pads, 90 counts 3 pads of 30 pads. You’ll see that you can get them for a fraction of what you would pay for the benefits you get.
Here are a summary for technical characteristics of these Sposie Booster Pads:
- First thing first, they offer perfect solution for extended use situations like nighttime or longer car trips travel.
- More important, their unique flow through pad wicks away moisture that often irritates baby sensitive skin.
- Beside, many other advantages: Sposie can hold up to 8 oz of fluid and will keep your baby feeling dry and comfortable. Sposie pads offer adjustable positioning for boys or girls.
- Finally, when you’re done using them, simply remove and dispose.
See, it’s easy to use, easy to dispose, what make you hesistate to buy now☺
Did you enjoy your visit at our website? Hope you did, wish you have found the best cloth diapering support, which includes the highest quality diaper doubler products. See you next time.
Last thing to add: very important, you should know the poop color of your baby and its causes (mostly it comes from what we feed the baby).