How to stop breastfeeding and why?

About breastfeeding

Breastfeeding a baby is an essential way of life in the beginning. Sure, there are store-bought feeding ingredients, but many mothers feel more comfortable breastfeeding a baby the natural way. If you’ve never done it before, baby breastfeeding can be a daunting experience. Luckily, there are a wealth of resources on baby breastfeeding, so you’ve no need to worry.

Breastfeeding a baby can be inconvenient when you’re out doing errands, but there are some awesome products that help. The Medela Harmony manual breast pump, for example, is lightweight and discreet, allowing you to extract milk more effectively from the breast. If you want to be really organized, there are even items that allow you to produce milk and store it: much like cooking up a pot of stew and saving some for later! Lansinoh Breastmilk storage bags, for example, are BPA free disposable breast-milk storage bags. They are leak proof and perfectly suitable for bringing along with you when you’re having a busy day or going on a long car journey and don’t have time to breastfeed on the spot.

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As time goes on and you become more and more comfortable with breastfeeding a baby, there comes a point when you start to think about moving on to other feeding methods. The tips below provide detailed information about how and when to stop breastfeeding with as little difficulty as possible:

Why Should I Stop Breastfeeding a Baby?

Baby Feeding

Like all good things, breastfeeding has to stop at some point. It will help your baby become more independent and accustomed to other foods. The breastfeeding mother might miss breastfeeding, but in the long run, they will lose weight and get their body back!

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Milkies Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector Storage


#productDescription .aplus-3p {width: 970px} .aplus-3p ul {overflow: hidden;} .aplus-3p ul li {list-style-position: inside;} #productDescription .aplus-3p table {border-collapse: collapse !important; ...
Start from: $19.99
Last price update: 2025-03-10 00:08:42
I purchased this product because I had a problem with engorgement and over-supply the first few weeks after my son was born and was going through nursing pads quickly with feeds, and even then I frequently soaked my shirt (and my child). It was appealing to catch the extra milk so that I could avoid wasting it and use fewer pads. I purchased just one and used it on the side opposite from the one I fed my son, just during feeds at night, when my breasts were most leaky. I found it to bulky to wear at other times.Here are the pros -1) It does what it says - catches milk without leaking (although it will spill if you lean forward)2) Heavy duty - holds up to washing, repeated use3) Easy to use- I was able to tuck it into my bra for hands-free use.4) Ability to collect milk instead of have it wasted all over my shirt - I collected as much as 2-3 oz per feed during nightly feeds.5) Easy to cleanHere are the cons -1) Expensive - in retrospect, my over-supply got better after a after about 3 weeks and I feel I could have done without this for the price.2) It encourages release of milk - Now that my over-supply issue is resolving, I now realize that keeping light pressure on the side opposite from that which I nurse prevents leakage of milk, even with let-down. However if I wear this device the nipple is exposed and more milk leaks out than would have done otherwise. It is my preference to prevent leakage altogether, as collecting milk with every feed from the opposite breast only leads to more issues with over-supply.3) Collects mostly foremilk. My infant sufferd from foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. I was hesitant to give him the milk I was collecting with this product because it was more "watery" than what I got when I pumped larger amounts.5) Collecting milk this way is a hassle - Going to the kitchen to poor the milk into a bag for storage and then rinsing off the product was not very appealing in the middle of the night, when I was most likely to collect milk this way. After a while, I found it easier to pump once daily to get the milk I needed for when I was away. As my problem with over-supply resolved, I find I no longer need this product to prevent the mess of milk leaking from my breast, and I no longer needed so many nursing pads either.6) too bulky to wear continuouslyIn summary, this product is more useful early on (before supply matches demand). Keep in mind that the many ounces of milk you can collect with it might not be leaking out if you were to just apply pressure to the other side during nursing. You might want to mix this milk with other pumped milk if you have concerns for foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, as it is likely to be more foremilk. For the price, I recommend getting it early if you are going to get it at all. I wish I had it for when my oversupply issue was most severe, and would have found it primarily useful to prevent the mess of the leaky breast during feeds.
December 1, 2010
This product is so worth the money!! Least of all, it saved me laundry because with baby #1 - before Milk-Saver - I went through a lot of shirts and burp cloths soiled from leaking milk from the non-nursing breast while nursing on the other side. Most of all, I collected so much milk in the first 4 weeks without once hooking myself up to a breastpump (see photo), and I prevented that same milk from just being washed away!It is important to note that you should not feed this milk to your baby without mixing it with pumped milk, as this milk is mostly foremilk (the less fatty, more watery, less nutritious milk), but it will do in a pinch and it is still breastmilk!I read a review that stated this product was harmful to evening out milk production in the early stages of breastfeeding, but I found that it helped me manage my engorgement and nurse my baby more effectively, getting us off a nipple shield much more quickly than with baby #1. My breasts were simply too engorged and too large for my newborn's mouth, so I had to start on a nipple shield after a day or two. With baby #1, I would have to wake early and pump off for about 5 minutes to relieve engorgement for the first several weeks, which is a practice that can hinder milk production adjustment and create a vicious cycle of engorgement, but there was just no other way. With baby #2, after a couple of weeks the engorgement was only too bad on my higher-producing side, so I would nurse on my lower-producing side first in the morning (which is good to do anyway in order to level out a slower-producing side). With the Milk-Saver in my over-producing side, I would massage the lumps while nursing the other side, collecting the milk and relieving a lot of the pressure from engorgement so that my babe could then nurse on that side when she finished with lower-producing side. Successful nursing without a shield and without pumping within just a few weeks (I was on a shield for over a month with baby #1). And, what's more, I had milk saved up, too!My reason for 4 stars and not 5 is because this product costs WAY too much for the simple item that it is, especially considering that it is only useful for the first few months (during the engorgement/leakage stage).
June 2, 2016

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When to Stop Breastfeeding a Baby


First and foremost, it’s important to find out at what age should babies stop breastfeeding. When you start breastfeeding, you hear from everyone how essential the breast milk is, and so, being a diligent parent, you stay up all night feeding until your very life source is drained! Sure, it’s great for bonding with the baby, but after a while you find yourself asking people around you ‘so when do I stop?’

The World Health Organization has recommendations concerning how long you should breastfeed for. According to them, every baby should be breastfed for six months, and then for up to two years beyond that incorporated with some family foods. This seems a very long time indeed. Other advice-givers say that as long as your baby is a year old, you can start the process of getting them onto other foods.

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No matter where you look, however, all the experts agree that for the first six months of their life, babies should be fed exclusively on breast-milk. When they reach one year old, it’s up to you to decide whether to stop breastfeeding a baby or to continue it for a while longer. Babies have different personalities. Some are very advanced, some progress more slowly. As the mother, you ultimately know best.

There are certain signs to look out for to reassure yourself that the time has come to stop baby breastfeeding. You often find that once your baby gets to try ‘real’ food, they will be less interested in nursing. If your child doesn’t seem to want to nurse as often, or if you start to feel resentful about nursing, it’s time to stop. Don’t feel pressured to continue nursing: breastfeeding should be an enjoyable experience. If it’s turning into something you dread every day, it’s time to stop. This doesn’t make you a bad mother!

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How to Stop Breastfeeding a Baby

There is no right or wrong way to stop breastfeeding a baby. A lot of the process is intuitive: in other words, it’s based on the observations of the mother regarding her individual child. However, if you’re looking for a step-by-step guide that will ensure the process is as smooth as possible, read on:

    • Don’t just stop all of a sudden: when it comes to the time when you’ve decided your baby needs to stop breastfeeding, don’t just stop giving them breast milk all at once. The child will become confused and won’t know what’s going on!
    • Follow the rules: The general rule is that you breastfeed exclusively for six months. After this, you might want to think of it as half and half: half breastfeeding, half regular foods (mushed up, of course!) up until their first birthday at the very earliest.
    • When your child reaches one year’s old: on their first birthday, assess their general progress. Are they one of those babies who is really active, and people comment all the time how advanced they are/big they’re getting? Stopping breastfeeding entirely is definitely a strong option in this scenario. Alternatively, are they a little bit behind other babies their age? If so, they might need even just a little bit of breast milk every day until they’ve caught up.

    • Putting things into action: when you decide your baby is ready, take things slowly:

    • Stage one: breastfeed as normal, then offer your baby a small portion of food. This gets the ball rolling. Allow them to experience lots of different flavors and textures.

    • Stage two: try offering food before you breastfeed. If it works, breastfeed as usual but shorten the time and frequency of feeds given.

    • Stage three: Give your baby normal food (you can do it at home using a blender to mash it all up) and offer them water in a beaker that has an opening resembling the breast (known as a soft-spouted beaker). Don’t offer them breastfeeding at all

    • Use your instincts: every stage should be carried out for at least a week to establish a routine. You know your baby the best. If at any time they don’t seem to like the arrangement, take a step back and try again.

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How Long it Takes to Stop Breastfeeding a Baby

The process of stopping baby breastfeeding depends largely on you and the baby. All babies are different. Some babies are stubborn and hate change; some view every change as exciting. It can take from as little as a few weeks up to six months to fully complete the process of stopping baby breastfeeding.

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Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic No More Milk Tea, 16 Teabags/Box 35. g (Pack of 3)

Earth Mama Angel Baby

Organic No More Milk Tea is a blend of herbs traditionally used to naturally reduce the production of breast milk. Lovely iced or hot, with Hibiscus flower for a delicious, tangy taste, and ...
Start from: $18.87
Last price update: 2025-03-10 00:08:46
After breastfeeding for a year I needed to dry up after my child weaned. I tried all the home remedies- peppermint essential oil, cabbage leaves, cold compresses, tight sports bra.. Nothing worked- until this tea!! I drank 3x daily and it worked like a charm
February 24, 2015
This tea helped incredibly for me. I had been trying to dry up for roughly a month or so naturally by spreading out my pumping times ( exclusively pumped) and I was still getting so much pain after 12-16 hours between pumps. Once I got the tea I drank 2 cups daily and literally after the first day I could feel the difference, I didn't even go through one whole box before I dried up. I'd say 3 days of the tea did the job. Excellent product.
April 20, 2016
Worked wonderfully! I stopped breast feeding when my son was a month old. If you drink this three times a day for a week or two it with definitely help stop milk production. I used two tea bags per cup. I would highly recommend this product,
May 29, 2014

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What to Feed a Baby after Stopping Breastfeeding

Sometimes mothers don’t know the best foods to give their baby once breastfeeding is stopped. Most physicians recommend that mothers continue feeding breast milk up to a year. Once this milestone passes, if you’re unsure what to feed your baby, there are valuable resources online. You can also talk to a pediatrician. Rice cereal and green vegetables are a popular option. Anything that is easily digestible and can be pureed is a good decision. Just remember that your baby is not quite ready for a well-done steak!

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What if Your Baby Doesn’t Want to Stop Breastfeeding?

Some mothers complain that their baby doesn’t want to stop nursing. There are a number of things you can do if this is the case:

    • Try to find the comfort zone of the baby. In other words, figure out when and how much he or she likes to drink. This way, you can slowly modify the routine and eventually wean them onto solid foods.
    • Once you establish a routine, try postponing a feed so that you can exhibit more control over the situation. This is a gradual way of ensuring that your baby can still feed, but not necessarily when they want.

    The process outlined above in previous sections gives you tips on how to carry out the process gradually. Even if they are stubborn, your baby will eventually learn that the time has come to stop breastfeeding.

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Lact-Aid Deluxe Nursing Trainer System


Before your order the Lact-Aid from Amazon Please read the description below and go to the Lact-Aid International website and make sure you fully understand How and Why the Lact-Aid works and its ...
Start from: $98.85
Last price update: 2025-03-09 21:15:21
I've been waiting to write this post because it has been such an emotional ride for me. I went from hating it to loving it. Yes, loving it. Here's my journey:Baby #1 (2011): I tried for 3 months to breastfeed using the SNS and the Lact-aid, and gave up (in tears) because they were both so hard. I couldn't get my daughter to latch on well, and it was nearly impossible with a tube there. We had to latch on and off to get the tube in place... it worked twice a day max, the rest of the time both baby and I were frustrated and in tears. I ended up bottle feeding at 3 months. (The underlying issue was poor baby suction and low supply.)Baby #2 (2014): After two weeks of breastfeeding, it was apparent that it was going to be the same; low baby suction and low supply. This time I started the SNS right away and had some success: the biggest difference was when the lactation consultant said to LATCH BABY FIRST, then slide the tube gently into the corner of his mouth. Bingo! He was able to continue to feed without interruption. I used the SNS 8-12 times a day, ugh!! It was tricky and messy and made baby gassy. I switched to the Lact-Aid and life was easier. No more leaking and a lot less washing. I bought 4 tubes and washed and filled them 2 times a day, but it was still tricky (as in frustrating to the point that I threw one across the room). 2 months in and it was a lot better because we were faster at cleaning and filling.Update: Now I've been using the Lact-Aid for 7 months!! My supply has increased from baby taking 1/2 breastmilk and 1/2 formula to almost all breastmilk. I use the Lact-Aid 3 times a day and not at night (He's eating solids 3x a day.Read more ›
July 16, 2015
I've only had this since Monday today is Wednesday. I am a first time mom and my 1 month old son is latching very well he has even latched a few times without the supplement. We needed this because I started breastfeeding and had low milk supply as well as needing to supplement due to my son not gaining enough weight and him having jaundice. I'm so glad that something like this exist because I am so committed to exclusively breastfeeding and this has us on our way for that to be possible. I decided to buy the Lact-Aid verses the Medela SNS because of all the positive reviews. Cleaning and assembling is relatively easy I watched a few YouTube videos that I believe helped me tremendously. I do recommend, whatever you plan to use either formula or breast milk as supplement that you prepare the bags ahead of time especially for late night feedings.
April 29, 2015
Here's my background: I have extremely low supply issues after struggling for six months now with initial supply and latch issues. I have visited with two hospital LCs and NEITHER mentioned this kind of alternative - instead they only focused on latch technique. I happened upon this by searching on Amazon for Medela products. I have not tried the Medela alternative, but I do use their InStyle Pump to keep up my milk production as much as possible. Because of my low supply, my baby has become frustrated with nursing and will often fight/scream at the idea of nursing or not nurse long enough to maintain/improve supply. My suspicions that pumping alone would not keep my supply up or improve it in the long term were confirmed by experience and the confirmation of a doctor. His response was that it comes down to a "mechanical issue" with milk removal. Pumping and nursing seem worlds apart in the milk removal department. Pumping just hasn't done the best job of removing all the milk. Therefore, I took the chance (and the expense) to try this out.We received it yesterday around noon and I have successfully nursed baby three times which is a MIRACLE considering the last few weeks of utter frustration. She is six months old and each time she nursed, she nursed to satisfaction and fell asleep a very happy baby.Here's what I noticed:1) It does promote a consist and productive latch. It is evident that she is getting all the breastmilk I can produce and the supplement of formula. She nursed significantly longer and removed all the milk I had.2) It pays to get extra trainers and prepare them in advance. It can be time consuming, but well worth the effort before baby gets hungry and impatient.Read more ›
May 24, 2016

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